The Battle of the Selle is one of the forgotten battles of the Hundred Days campaign. Peter offers two talks:
Fourth Army at the Battle of the Selle 17-31 October 1918
This talk focuses on the effectiveness of the BEF’s ‘weapons system’ as the campaign progressed. The study of Fourth Army reveals how the balance of the contributions of all-arms would vary from battle to battle. The weather at the Selle denied the BEF intelligence from the air. Without great help from tanks, and an artillery that was much less effective than on other occasions, the infantry of Fourth Army fought a challenging battle in difficult countryside, reliant on the experience of front-line commanders.
The BEF in Mobile Warfare in the Hundred Days - The Pursuit to the Selle
This talk focuses on the so-called Pursuit to the Selle to consider whether the BEF were able to pursue mobile warfare in the Hundred Days campaign. How did they follow a retreating enemy, and how did the enemy place obstacles in the way? Was mobile warfare ever, in fact, achieved? Was an all-arms approach effectively employed? Were the enemy a defeated proposition in 1918, or were they able to effectively resist the BEF’s thrusts?