'Dr Hodgkinson is well-placed to write a modern divisional history ... He has mastered the technical aspects of the war as well as its human ones and its human costs. This is reflected in his history of 6th Division, which is one of the very best studies of its kind and an important contribution to the literature.'
'He makes no claims for its ‘superiority’ to other divisions or its ‘specialness’ or that it was one of the BEF’s top performers. This is a great strength of the book. It allows 6th Division to represent in miniature the trials, tribulations and triumphs of the BEF as a whole. There are incisive and well-informed chapters on command, both early in the war and later, on training, staff work, technology (especially firepower) and morale. The book is certainly judgemental, but it does not indulge in a blame game. When the division failed or did badly Hodgkinson says so, but he also explains why it failed or did badly in the context of the state of the war at the time, of the BEF at the time and of the task with which it was faced. The result is a book that is deeply convincing and not only learned but also wise. It is an outstanding contribution to the evolving historiography of the British Army in the Great War.'